iTRiLOGI Software for TRi PLCs

Beta Now Available for iTRiLOGI Version 6.50 and 7.10
August 15, 2015 by
iTRiLOGI Software for TRi PLCs
Ted Skinner

You thought that programming TRi PLCs was easy before!

Just wait until you try iTRiLOGI Beta Version 6.50 and 7.10

Serious Usability Improvements   

Most of the new features are related to programming aids to help you edit your programs easier and to better visualize the program you create.

Runs on the latest JAVA Version  

The new software requires Java 6 or newer and no longer requires you to install JRE 1.4.2_19.  Now you can use the latest version Java run time system on your PC to run the i-TRiLOGI and the new TLServer 3.2.   Gone are the days of having to keep two version of JAVA on your computer.

So, what's the big deal!  What has actually changed...  We knew you would ask that question, so here are a few tidbits and screen shots of what is new.

Auto Completion

Right click on the word that is partially completed and the software will search to find a list of I/O labels, #define name or keyword to help you complete the word. Pick from the popup menu the word you are looking for and it will replace the partial word with the selected word:   

Mouse-Over Help 

 Mouse-over help on variable, defined name or I/O label. You can now move your mouse over a variable name, an I/O label name or a defined name (via the #Define table) and the software will report its value and the source (what kind of I/O or the actual variable name of a defined name).

Live Data when On-line Monitoring

If the online monitoring screen is open, mouse over will give you a real time report of the actual value of the variable. If the online monitoring screen is closed, then mouse over will give you the last retrieved value stored in the software. For debugging you should keep the online monitoring window opened.


Defined Name Look-up

 Defined name lookup on the view variable screen - simply click on any variable name A to Z, A# to Z#, A$ to Z$, any DM or FP variable and the software will perform a reverse look up and display any defined name.

New Navigation Inside Custom Functions

New "View", "Open" and "Go Back" navigation buttons are now available when you right click inside the custom function editor which helps you to move from one Custom Function to another or retreat back to the last Custom Function. 

New Shortcut Buttons

 Four new buttons have been added to the main ladder logic programming interface.  Now you quickly save or upload your program or find text and execute on-line monitoring right from a singe click button.

Zoom In or Out

Zoom in and out with a single-click or by pressing F11 and F12 keys. You can perform a system wide zoom from the ladder logic editor, and you can also individually change the font size of the comment editor or the custom function editor using the font size change buttons or F11 and F12 keys.  

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Download It Now!

Licensed users of ITRiLOGI can get the beta version of this new major revision (i-TRiLOGI version 6.50 and 7.10) via the "Help -> TRiLOGI Upgrade" menu from your current version of i-TRiLOGI. While Triangle Research is preparing the documentation to go with the actual release, this software has been released as a beta now for individual users to test on their own systems.   

